Startup Founding Advice

Lotus Phoenix
2 min readApr 19, 2023


Inspired by YC and PG

Key Founder Traits

  1. Determination: Startup founders need relentless determination to overcome obstacles and succeed. Intelligence is important, but determination is crucial.
  2. Flexibility: Founders must adapt their dreams and ideas as the unpredictable startup world demands, like a running back adjusting their path on the field.
  3. Imagination: Intelligent founders generate innovative ideas that may seem crazy at first but turn out to be just the right level of unconventional, like Airbnb.
  4. Naughtiness: Successful founders often have a mischievous side, delighting in bending rules without causing harm. This trait may be connected to imagination.
  5. Friendship: Startups thrive with multiple founders who genuinely like and work well together, as strong relationships are vital for navigating challenges.

Primary Advice for Founders:

  • Launch now and build something people want
  • Do unscalable things initially; remain small and nimble pre-product market fit
  • Find the 90/10 solution and focus on one problem at a time
  • Aim for 10–100 passionate customers
  • Write code, talk to users, and prioritize their feedback
  • Growth is the result of a great product; don’t scale until it’s built
  • Valuation doesn’t guarantee success
  • Avoid long deals with big customers, corporate development queries, and unnecessary conferences
  • Maintain strong founder relationships and open communication
  • Be prepared to fire customers if needed and ignore competitors
  • Focus on unit economics and ensure profitability before scaling
  • Choose one or two key metrics for success and prioritize tasks accordingly
  • Embrace ambition in company direction
  • Balance work and personal life; be nice and take care of yourself

Extra advice:

  • Equity distribution: It’s important to have fair and clear equity distribution among cofounders early on to avoid conflicts later.
  • Hiring: Focus on hiring the right talent and maintain a high bar for quality. Early hires have a significant impact on the company culture and future success.
  • Mentorship and networking: Seek advice from experienced mentors and network with other founders to learn from their experiences and challenges.
  • Customer acquisition: Develop a clear customer acquisition strategy, focusing on cost-effective channels and optimizing your marketing efforts.
  • Pivoting: Be prepared to pivot your product or business model if necessary, based on user feedback and market conditions.
  • Legal and compliance: Ensure that your startup is compliant with legal and regulatory requirements, including proper incorporation, IP protection, and data privacy.

